The Mighty Sixth District
80th Sixth District Annual Meeting
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc
April 24 – April 27, 2025, Raleigh, NC
Key Information for Electronic Registering
Scroll to the Bottom of the Electronic Registration Section to find the Registration Logo Button
All attendees must be registered in order to participate in the activities of the 80th Annual Sixth District Meeting. There will be no virtual registration, only in person attendance only.
Brothers are urged to register early in order for planning and appropriate preparations to be made.
There is no “day-of” or on-site the meeting registration for the Sixth District Annual Meeting.
The cost of registration is listed on the registration form. Registration is non-transferable.
All chapter delegates must be financial at the chapter, district and International levels.
Pursuant to Chapter IV, Article I, Section 6 of the By-Laws of the Sixth District, District Officers and former District Representatives may serve as delegates for their respective chapters at the District and Council Meetings. However, they may not cast votes in both capacities. All financial chapters are entitled to two (2) delegates, each of whom has one (1) vote. If only one delegate is present, then chapter delegates may NOT cast more than one vote. Both chapter delegates must be present in order for a delegate to cast both votes. Alternates cannot be named on the day of the elections. All alternates must be listed with proper credentials on file. Chapter delegates must be financial with the Fraternity at the chapter, district, and International levels.
Delegates of suspended chapters and/or non-financial chapters may not vote at the Annual Meeting. Suspended members may not register for the Annual Meeting.
Brothers who register using the Attending or Visiting Brother status on the registration form must demonstrate that they are a financial member as defined by the International Headquarters of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Brothers must provide a valid personal e-mail address on the registration form. Please ensure the personal email address is correct, avoid using your work email account for Fraternity business as more businesses are scrutinizing personal traffic.
Chapter Delegates / Officers / Former DRs:
- The final Agenda, minutes and Reports will be sent to delegates and chapters no later than Monday, April 14th. Please read and review in advance.
- Voting links will be emailed to you 30 minutes prior to poll open (see schedule)
- Please check inbox/spam/junk mailboxes for email with link(s).
- If you do not receive email at designed times, please email and the District KRS at , include your registered name and you must include control number. If you do not include your control number, your request will be prioritized last.
- Delegate(s), Officers and Former DRs please answer roll call when name is called.
- Reports and motions requiring approval will be placed in Election Runner for voting by Delegates, Officers and Former DRs. After results are tabulated by the Nominating Committee ,the DKRS will announce results at designated times.
- Thank you in advance for your cooperation and assistance in having a productive 80th Annual Meeting
80th Sixth District Annual Meeting Schedule of Events
(click here)
Key Registration Process Steps
- Members of Omega Psi Phi and MSP Candidates
- Click on the link, “Brothers and MSP Candidate Registration”
- Select your registration package, Life Member Luncheon ticket if you are a LM, pay and you will be presented with links to register for your hotel
- Once this is complete, from this page, click on the “Host Chapter Activities Page” to register for golf, if you registered double, you must register your Quette and Que-Kids by using the links provided. This provides information regarding local chapter activities.
- Once this is done, you are complete
- Sponsors and Sponsorship
- From this page, click on the “Host Chapter Activities Page” to register for golf, golf sponsorship and submitting your sponsorship advertising material
- Vendors
- Click the “Vendor Registration” Link below
- If you are both a Member of Omega Psi Phi and a Vendor and you want to participate in the Annual Meeting, additionally follow the Member Registration link
Any issue or concerns with registering, email for assistance. Please include your name, control number if you are a member, contact phone and your issue clearly explained for assistance.
Brother Cedric Luckey,
44th Sixth District Representative